We're your catalyst partners.

We help owners increase the value and maximize the results of their businesses. Our niche is helping and enabling business owners and leaders to work on their business, not in it.

Our expertise

Our principal consultant, Tammy Breitenbach, has spent more than 20 years as a business strategist helping companies develop new revenue opportunities, define new markets, and reposition their businesses for sustained profitability and competitiveness. In 2008, she founded Catalyst Partners, Inc., a Kansas City-based management advisory firm specializing in helping financial services companies strengthen their business operations, and navigate growth and expansion initiatives.

The Catalyst team brings high-level expertise to your firm in the areas of branding/marketing, financial modeling, operations, and strategic planning.

Our clients

Our clients are high potential, high performing firms who know they have a lot to gain, place a great value on it — and have the capacity and drive to attain it. They may be hesitating because they’re not sure how to go about getting there.

Our clients place great value in:

  • Knowing where to start
  • Ensuring they know the right things to do
  • Staying accountable and on track
  • Not going it alone – reliable professional guidance

We invest our time in companies we would put our own money on.

Our promise

We want you to have the utmost confidence in knowing you can count on us.

  • If we don’t think we can help you achieve meaningful results, we’ll help guide you toward others who can.
  • We will ensure that we both have an understanding of the results you want.
  • Communication is a two-way street–we view this as a partnership.